

EyelidTracker was developed in Dr. Daniel Johnston's lab to quantify eyelid position during eyelid conditioning experiments.

During the development, Dr. Javier Medina in the University of Pennsylvania gave us invaluable suggestions and helps, including sample videos and Matlab files. We deeply appreciate his generosity and assistance. Here is a link to his article related to this project (link).


Dr. Payne Chang, Dr. Rick Gray, Dr. Randy Chitwood, and Dr. Johnston's lab @2012.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact Dr. Payne Chang at paynechang@gmail.com .

Development Environment:



  1. No Conditioned Response (NoCR.avi) - Link
  2. Conditioned Stimulus Alone (CS-Alone.avi) - Link
  3. Trained Conditioned Response (TrainedCR.avi) - Link
  4. Explore the possible improvement in analysis with line scan method - Link
  5. Compare three videos - Link
  6. Quantify positions of the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid separately - Link

Brief Instruction:

Software Notes: