Darrin has become independent and has his own graduate students, Greg and Lauren, but they’re still around the lab every day, so they’re included here. Darrin has his own lab web page at https://sites.cns.utexas.edu/bragerlab
lab members
[[““,”Randy Chitwood Randy is interested in synaptic integration and plasticity in the input and output regions of the hippocampal formation, specifically the entorhinal cortex and subiculum. He is currently investigating the mechanisms of activity-dependent changes in both synaptic function, and intrinsic excitability in principle neurons of these areas.”],[““,”Rick Gray Rick has been part of Dan’s lab for a long, long…
Grad Students
Graduate students who are interested in doing their thesis research under Dr. Johnston should contact him directly.
Contact us
Our labs are located on the 2th floor of the Norman Hackerman building. Dr. Johnston’s office is in NHB 2.504. If you would like to schedule an appointment with him, you can contact Kathleen Pantalion, Assistant Director, at 512-232-6564 or email her at kpantalion@mail.clm.utexas.edu.
The Johnston lab is part of the Center for Learning and Memory within the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Johnston is the Director of CLM. Our lab is located on the 2nd floor of the Norman Hackerman Building.
Undergrad students
Occasionally Dr. Johnston selects a few exceptional students at the undergraduate student level to participate in ongoing projects in the lab. Undergraduate research in the Johnston laboratory is taken very seriously. Students need to have completed at least a semester or two at UT and be able to commit to at minimum a full year of training and research. Additionally,…
Journal club
The Johnston lab hosts a weekly cellular neurophysiology Journal Club that meets in NHB 3.202 on Fridays at 9 AM. Everyone is welcome to join us. Darrin Brager is our Journal Club Czar and maintains a web page with more information. You should contact him if you’d like to have your name added to the list of presenters. If you want…
Curriculum Vitae Daniel Johnston, Ph.D. Position and Address: Professor Director of the Center for Learning and Memory and the Institute for Neuroscience The University of Texas at Austin 1 University Station, C7000 Austin, TX 78712-0805 email: djohnston@mail.clm.utexas.edu 512-232-6564 (Phone) 512-475-8000 (Fax) Education: University of Virginia, Charlottesville; B.S., Electrical Engrg., 1970, cum laude Duke University, Durham, North Carolina; Ph.D., Biomedical Engrg. and…